Have You Had Your HIPAA Prescribed IT Risk Assessment?

Each year a HIPAA IT Risk Assessment is required for your practice. Even if you are not seeking MIPS money, the HIPAA regulations still require an annual risk assessment. MIPS simply ties your reimbursement money to accomplishing this already required risk assessment, as they are well aware there are practices that will ignore the requirement otherwise.
HIPAA regulation sets strict standards for the privacy and security of your patients’ health data. These standards must be addressed in order to protect the integrity of the data healthcare professionals maintain as part of running their practices.
ICSI is here to help. With over 30 years of experience in IT Services, focusing on medical offices like yours, we know what it takes to ensure HIPAA/MIPS IT Risk Assessment compliance. Complete the form on the right and we will evaluate what is needed for you to receive a proper IT Risk Assessment.
Addressing your HIPAA IT Risk Assessment with ICSI will not only help you honestly attest for MIPS and benefit from higher Medicare incentives, but will allow you to run your practice without fear of audits and government fines. The risk assessment may feel like a big burden, but done correctly, it is not a burden; it is an essential step to having your practice function in a more effective and secure way.
This evaluation is provided at no charge and with no commitment from you!
Simply fill out the form to get started
Or, you can call Max at 410-280-3000 and he will arrange for your Free HIPPA IT Risk Assessment Evaluation