The time to start planning for a security threat isn’t during a virus outbreak or immediately after you discover funds transferred from your banking accounts. Decisions and judgments made during this time are typically driven by emotion and not facts. The time to make those cyberthreat plans is now.
Things to consider when you’re planning:
- Physical access to your building(s)
- What to do with lost or stolen mobile devices
- PCI (payment card industry) compliance requirements
- Data-breach incident response
- Threat monitoring
That’s where we are here to help! Give us a call, 410-280-3002 (ask for Max), or contact us online, and we’ll be glad to help you evaluate your “cybersecure” plan.
There are great resources out there for businesses that just don’t know where to start with cybersecurity. Take a look at for a customizable guide to where to get started with operational and organizational planning.
Click here to request a Free IT Assessment and we will work with you to put together an action plan for you to implement Managed Network Services.